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What others say about us... "Absolutely, positively the most useful, well organized, informative Water Filters business I have found in years. Thanks for all the great information, tips and links. Stick around because I'm sure I'll be back when my next replacement need rolls around." - Diana RyansMerchant Rating: Excellent
lots of good information. It confirmed research I had done elsewhere on types of water filtration systems available for home. And the product I ordered came within three or four days. More than I expected. - C. Murphy
I have been looking everywhere for a water filter replacement cartridge (model: #....) The phone number I had is disconnected. Any ideas? I really
appreciate any help. Thank you.
(1 hour after we received this e-mail and replied with a URL...) You are a Miracle Worker... Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! My unit is on
it's way! - S. Brickner